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Monday, April 20, 2009

Mr. Doobins and the Raindrop of Badness

Mr. Doobins has been known to get into trouble at his preschool. So we get into the habit of checking with his teacher when we picked him up to find out whether there was anything we needed to follow up on later.

He has gotten to the place, though, where he is a pretty reliable source. So, unless the teacher makes a point to say something, we just check in with him as we walk to the car.

The other day, when Garnet picked him up, she asked how the day had gone.

It had gone well, he said. "I wasn't even a nibble of badness."

More recently, as he and Garnet were walking out, he volunteered, "I was a really good boy today."

"You were?" said Garnet.

"Yeah, I was really good today," Mr. Doobins said. "Well, maybe I was just one raindrop of badness."

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