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Sunday, August 09, 2009

Telephone Talk

When Garnet and I talk on the phone at work, she often says, "I love you" before hanging up.

I work in a big, open room, and, although nobody may be listening, you can't count on it. Anything you say could be overheard by someone, and you have to take that into account when talking.

So I usually say something along the lines of, "I look forward to seeing you."

When I do say, "I love you, too," Garnet will say, "There's noboby around, is there?"

Usually, the answer to that is, "No, there's not."

Every now and then, though, I will say it even if there is someone around.

At home, I'm far more comfortable saying "I love you." That is one of the great gifts that Garnet has given me.

I grew up in a family in which I never doubted that my parents loved me but I remember my mom and dad saying, "I love you" just a few times.

So, I didn't say it much either.

Plus, I'm a guy.

Garnet, though, makes a point to tell Sparkle Girl and Doobins and me that she loves us at least once a day. She also regularly tells others in her world that she loves them.

It has taken work for me to grow comfortable saying it but it's a good thing, I think, especially for the kids.

I think everyone will get by just fine, though, without me getting into the habit of saying it on the phone at work.

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