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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

"What Was I Thinking?"

I wanted some cookies so I told Sparkle Girl and Doobins that I would take them to Walgreens to pick out a treat.

Sparkle Girl knew just what she wanted - a Hershey bar. Doobins said he wanted an ice cream treat but he wasn't sure what kind.

We told him that we would go to the ice cream case first so that he could decide what he wanted, go pick up the cookies and candy bar and then come back for the ice cream so that it wouldn't melt.

That is what we did.

We came back, got Doobins Klondike bar and headed back to the car. On the way, I opened up his Kondike bar for him, and Sparkle Girl opened up her Hershey bar.

As I drove back up the hill toward the house, they tucked into their treats.

One of the things I like about Sparkle Girl is she sometimes asks others whether they are enjoying supper, a treat or whatever.

This is did.

"Is your Kondike bar yummy?" she asked.

"Well, yeah, what kind of chocolate could be not good?" he said.

"Good point," Sparkle Girl said.