Archive for March, 2009

You Talking to Me?

The other day it was just Mr. Doobins and me and the cat, Poos Maloos, at home.

Mr. Doobins got frustrated with something and said that his Bakugan toys were the only thing he cared about.

That’s not true, I said. You care about Poos.

Yeah, well, that was true, he admitted.

And you love your sister, I said.

Yeah, that was true, too, he said.

And you love your mother, I said.

Yeah, he does, he said.

Not wanting to press my luck, I stopped there.

To my surprise, Mr. Doobins went on to say, “And the guy I’m talking to right now.”

When I told the story to Garnet, she laughed and said that I would probably remember “And the guy I’m talking to right now” long after I have forgotten most of the “I love you”s that have come my way.

Yeah, I said, I will.